60. RC Organic Farms – September 10, 2014 – Lenox, MI


Heirloom tomatoes from this week’s share

So I realized I would be remiss if I didn’t count this place as one of the 100 places I’ve visited on this quest. I joined this farm’s CSA (stands for Community-Supported Agriculture) half-share program this summer, which means that every two weeks since about mid-June, I’ve been making the journey to this organic, solar-powered farm at 30-Mile Road in Lenox to pick up my share of the week’s harvest (mostly vegetables, although occasionally some fruit has been thrown in). It’s been a real creative challenge to figure out all of the ways to use these vegetables in my one-person household, and I haven’t been the greatest at it (examples: lettuce wilting in my fridge before I could give it to someone or figure out how I, as a non-salad-eater, could use it; an increasing accumulation of redskin potatoes, currently at about nine pounds worth – there are only so many of those suckers one person can eat at a time!). But for the most part I’ve enjoyed the challenge, which has led me to discover hot-pink beet-laced hummus and chocolate-beet cupcakes and the benefits of creating my own vegetable stock (genius for getting rid of all of that excess zucchini and squash of a month ago!). Plus, I love knowing that all of the produce I’m getting from there is organic and that I’m supporting local, naturally-grown agriculture.

34700 30 Mile Rd.

Lenox, MI 48050


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