718. Signal Return – April 27, 2024 – Detroit, MI

Engage in art-making AND support printmaking at Signal Return!

The nonprofit’s mission is to keep the ancient art of traditional letterpress printing alive via classes, art shows, and other community-fostering events held at its Detroit-based studio and shop, where its sells striking posters, greeting cards, and other works of art handcrafted at the studio. It works in conjunction with various other arts-and-community-focused organizations, including the Michigan Arts & Culture Council, The Kresge Foundation, and the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan. Its current class offerings explore topics such as wood-type poster-printing, journal book-binding and screen-printing, and custom coaster-printing and business-card-making.

I visited Signal Return to attend a Mother’s Day-themed card-making workshop with Ann Arbor-based artist Paloma Núñez-Regueiro. Paloma taught us how to hand-carve linoleum stamps, then create printed greeting cards with them using several different types of hand-printing implements, including mini printing presses and other hand-printing tools.

Paloma was a fantastic teacher, offering in-depth instruction in a warm, supportive manner. The half-day class was intentionally kept small, to allow for ample hands-on instruction time. By the end of it, I had an array of gorgeous cards (such as the ones shown above) – designed and created by moi!

What a fun way to support the local arts and spread love to my mama and others in my life. Thanks, Signal Return, for encouraging me to embrace my inner artist!

9301 Kercheval Ave., Ste. 1

Detroit, MI 48214


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