622. Playground Detroit – April 5, 2023 – Detroit, MI

Playground Detroit is a magical place! One that fosters creative expression, sparks a feeling of possibility, clears your chakras.

“Clears your chakras???” you may be asking, quizzically. Why, yes! Chakra-clearing was in full force during my April visit to this Detroit-based art gallery and creative talent agency that manages artists, facilitates art sales and commissions, and proffers additional promotion-related services.

Playground Detroit regularly hosts exhibits featuring the work of local artists. Additional events held at the gallery include artist’s talks, book signings, and classes such as the yoga class I was there to take (where that chakra-clearing commenced).

The Journey Through Chakras yoga class was taught by Samantha Jameson and DJ’ed by Peter Croce. And it was FANTASTIC. It was held in conjunction with the exhibit on display at that time at Playground Detroit: local artist Zoe Beaudry’s And And And And, a collection of portraits painted in a realistic style, gorgeous and soulful, vulnerable and infused with light. Light radiated not only from the shading captured in the portraits, but also literal light bulbs – tiny sparks of light inserted into many of the paintings, with some representing chakra points such as the crown and throat.

What ambiance for a yoga practice. And to think I almost didn’t go to this class!

I was in the midst of intense life stuff at this time and because of that, pondered skipping the Journey Through Chakras class. My dithering about attending meant that I was the last person to show up, a few minutes before the class started. The gallery hosted a full house, which meant that I practiced with my head right near the front door. But man, when the lights went down and the music started playing, and Samantha began the practice, starting with sun salutations and sprinklings of water likely infused with essential oils and good vibes (the hippie version of a priest sprinkling holy water during mass), was I SO glad I came!

This class was exactly what I needed: to be in community, raise my energy, and release what wasn’t serving me via moving, stretching, and meditation. To be surrounded by beautiful art, in the darkened space dimly lit by blue lighting, with music vibrating through the air and our bodies, and the collective energy of high-vibing humans – that was super special.

I left that yoga class and Playground Detroit, feeling lighter, more hopeful, and alive. That’s what the best art does: uplifts and inspires us. Thank you, Zoe, Samantha, Peter, and Playground Detroit, for uplifting and inspiring me when I really needed it!

2845 Gratiot Ave.

Detroit, MI 48207


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